Saturday, 30 January 2016

How to remove Database mail log history by using script

I have created a script to remove last 30 days mail log.First i have tried to remove all logs older than
30 days but the situation is i have a mail log of last 6 months and deleting all records at a time also
creates a space issue while deleting. So, i have tried to delete last 30 days data and than shrink the file
and than remove the last 30 days data again and this way i have completed disk space issue and purge mail history.
DECLARE @Deletelastmonth DATETIME
-- Remove History of last 30 Days
SELECT @Deletelastmonth = Min(Sent_date)
FROM DBO.Sysmail_mailitems
SET @Deletelastmonth =@Deletelastmonth + 30
/*Sysmail_attachments and Sysmail_send_retries table has a foreign key from Sysmail_mailitems
so need to remove data from both the tables first.
Need to remove attachements otherwise you can't purge mailitem history.
DELETE FROM DBO.Sysmail_attachments
WHERE  Last_mod_date <= @Deletelastmonth
--Need to remove entries from retries table too.
DELETE FROM DBO.Sysmail_send_retries
WHERE  Last_send_attempt_date <= @Deletelastmonth
EXEC Sysmail_delete_mailitems_sp @Sent_before = @Deletelastmonth
EXEC Sysmail_delete_log_sp @Logged_before= @Deletelastmonth

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